Filmed in 4 countries, designed and produced from Peru, #Changers is a documentary series on how we can change our lives consciously consuming, joining the world trend of minimalism and care for the environment that not only thousands of people have adopted, but also the brands, Scotiabank ventured into content creation and was digitally transmitted. This documentary seeks to change the widely reproduced ideas that "the more we spend the happier we are" and that "the more we have the better we are", this through 16 life stories about the responsible consumption of characters from different parts of the world. Divided into 4 chapters, the series will aim to make people take control of their expenses in a responsible and conscious way to improve their lives under the premise that "The way we consume can change our future." Mexico, Canada, Uruguay, Chile, Argentina, France.

Brand: Scotiabank
Creative Team
Natalia Iriarte, Charlie Valderrama
Wunderman Thompson. CED Bruno Reggiardo, Augusto Landauroo